What does it mean to you?

Effective communication isn’t yelling at someone who screwed up your order.
Effective communication isn’t telling someone they are stupid or “duh” you should have known that from before.
Communication is having an interaction of words with someone, explaining your point of view and listening to the other perspectives present in the conversation.  It’s not always agreeing, but evaluating all information relayed and using your personal approach of communicating.

Understanding how your approach impacts the person listening to the words you speak.  We are all responsible for how we communicate and the intent of the message.

When you do not agree with what is being said, communicate what you don’t agree with and ask questions instead of passive aggressively smiling.  It doesn’t get you any closer to understanding why certain statements have been made.

Children are looking to adults for support, assistance, knowledge, understating, guidance and a host of other characteristics that help them form into productive, responsible, respectful, resourceful, humble and aware human beings.  Their backgrounds are different.  We don’t always know why they are not learning, or not listening, or misbehaving sexually or violently.  What if .…..we  just took one moment to look past the actions and the darkness and the frustration we feel, would we potentially find the reason for the bad behavior.  No support at home, being spoken to like trash, being bullied by family, friends and classmates, sexual abuse, learning disabilities, would this change the way you communicate?  Without learning the reason why or communicating the way we all should we continue the cycle for those struggling students and reinforce the understanding they will always be less than or not worth the time.  The way we communicate with a child has a long lasting impact on how they interact with us as mothers, fathers and all other titles identified.  With or without children we are ALL teachers and should take this unpaid position seriously and practice how to communicate effectively and without causing harm to the future teachers of our community and reducing the concern with our future because we did not plant the seeds needed to produce bountiful fruit.
So, the question again is ….   What does the art of effective communication mean to you?

How will you support those looking to you for guidance?