Children today rely heavily on the parents and other adults to assist them through their day, because that is how they learn. Thanks to a principal’s effort to remind her 900+ students that kindness is a must at her school, reinforces that change starts early! Rushing through our days and nights has us forgetting the simple concept to be kind and respectful of others. Now how does this have anything to do with child safety? Well it is simple, when you start showing kindness to others you open the opportunity to extend help and consideration to another being bullied, another needing assistance, lending an ear or just acknowledging another’s existence. All of these acts of kindness help to create a circle or village of supporters for your community that will be sure to look out for the safety and well being of OUR children as they will be the next president of a bank, mechanic that keeps are cars moving or professor/teacher encouraging and training the next team of leaders to whom the torch will be passed. So being kind and considerate of others is the first step to child safety as you are being watched. What you do, how it is done and how you say it can and WILL duplicate.