Which stack of bills would you trade for your life? What stack of bills would you take in trade for the life of your child? How much money would it take for you to heal the pain and discomfort of having to deal with a burial of your school age child, the one who is supposed to out live you, but preventable circumstances gave you a different reality.
There have been many stories of parents, family and friends that have had their lives turned upside down because of a mistake or a death. When people are asked, how can we do better? It always comes down to MONEY. Money does not replace a loved one but money dictates how we as a people proceed in life, work and the protection and safety of a child. Sometimes safety cost a little more. Sometimes safety takes a little more time. The end result of a little more time or a little more money is YOU, do not have to worry about the CHANCE that a missed step or that extra dollar could have been used towards the safety of your loved ones.
As we visit another opportunity to discuss #childsafetywednesday the question is, what safety features are we teaching our children when we make a valuable decision about IF we are going to pay a little more attention, time or money to make sure they are safe? And how will they view and exercise their decisions when it is their turn?
Money should never be the reason we should automatically say no to the evaluation of a safety feature. If money stops the conversation and is the factor of discomfort later, that money will not save you. Our children duplicate our actions and their safety is currently in the hands of decision makers that use the dollar as a reason to not evaluate safety options and that is a shame. As parents and guardians we have the right to at least ask the hard question, what are your safety processes? How often do you evaluate for improvement?
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