32.6 million children K-8 go to school each year.

2300 children are reported missing every year.

  • Some parents are reluctant to send children to school!
  • Many children are afraid to attend school!
  • Leadership is caught in the middle!

Accurately avoiding millions of dollars in payout in order to redirect finances to serve every student

instead of paying off the family of just one student.

KYKS finds at least 2 children off their dismissal plan

every school, every school day

and the children are relying on the adult to redirect when needed.

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If you believe this is not common? Click here for more information

“The most vulnerable time of a child’s day, is dismissal.”

– former School District CTO

Our Promise to YOU!

We promise to not make it about us (the adult) but to make it about them (the child)!

To provide all necessary parties the real-time pertinent information about each students’ journey from home to school and back home to ensure safe travels for each child and their family.

What we do

  • Streamline arrival/dismissal for all students.

  • Communicate in real-time to families and staff.
  • Assist in building supportive communities for each family.

  • Improve child safety every day in your district.

  • Carry the safety load for your district.

Our Goal is to Protect your children to Protect our Future!

Who Benefits from KYKS

  • THE FAMILIES – the parents gain peace of mind during arrival and dismissal
  • THE SCHOOL – the principals gain additional time daily and have accurate records for all students being released.
  • THE DISTRICT – reduce payouts and build family confidence
  • THE COMMUNITY – a safe school = safe students = a safe community

= A healthy child can now enjoy the safe travels to and from school while exercising their independence

Progress should never be at someone else’s expense, especially a child.