District Leaders,

You have a position and opportunity to make an impactful change to your community and the lives plus future of the children you serve. Their safety is in your hands and the choice you make will be talked about for years to come.

The escalating attention on safety in school with the supporting data suggests additional support is needed, and that is where we come into the partnership.

You deserve an efficient and safe school dismissal, where ALL STUDENTS, walkers, bikers, bus riders, car riders, and childcare bus riders are accurately accounted for, and you are freed up to spend more time on important priorities.

Each child’s safety is paramount

The challenge of driving a school route as a substitute does not have to be a safety concern. With KYKS, substitutes receive the support they need to ensure every child’s journey is as safe as if their experienced regular driver were at the wheel. It is our commitment to provide adaptable, comprehensive safety solutions that leave no child behind in transit.

By minimizing the likelihood of incidents during critical times like arrivals, dismissals, and commutes,

KYKS can significantly cut down on costly payouts.

This is the scary story that made me create KYKS (kicks) to prevent these types of situations. My family situation was the first strike and the strike that was too hard to ignore.

Take a moment to watch and see how you feel!

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District Benefits

  • Potential for cost reduction for insurance and incident payout.
  • Improve driver retention and reliability for every route.
  • Reduce the stress for the drivers immediately, by taking the guesswork out of knowing who, where, and when on every trip, every time.
  • Reduce fuel charges immediately, by reducing the repeat and unwanted trips and
  • Reduce the amount of time needed to assemble the reporting requirements.

Our Promise to YOU!

We promise to not make it about us (the adult) but to make it about them (the child)!

To provide all necessary parties the real-time pertinent information about each students’ journey from home to school and back home to ensure safe travels for each child and their family.


Effective communication creates favorable outcomes daily!

Your success is dependent on your drivers.

  • Challenging students
  • Impossible parents
  • Every changing routes
  • Expectations that don’t change

New, substitutes, average, and seasoned drivers could all use additional support to handle.

Transportation Drivers and Leaders,

They can’t do this without you.

Investing in KYKS isn’t just about adopting advanced safety technology; it’s about making a strategic financial decision that benefits your entire school community. By reducing the risks associated with student transportation, your district can enjoy a safer environment and potentially lower insurance costs, freeing up resources for further educational investments.

Improve your trips with KYKS by knowing who, where, and when, regardless of your experience level, with all pertinent information for each route including changes.

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Mistakes happen to the best of us, it is what we do after, that shows what we have learned from the lesson.

And we can learn from someone’s lesson.

No child will ever be overlooked on your watch!

One parents’ experience can help other families not have the same experience.

One parents account of what happened in her situation with her new independent traveler.

When you think they aren’t paying attention you find out they are paving their own way.

Wouldn’t you like to catch the mistake before it happened. Families immeidatley notified of a change.


Let us help YOU with Keeping Your Kids Safe