We have two motivations
1. Child safety
every child’s voice matters and should be heard as it creates levels of confidence for growth.
2. Peace of mind to parents and families
the foundation of growth, support, and where it all starts.
I have made it a point to remain neutral when these overwhelmingly heartbreaking stories hit the news (feed, timelines, viral videos, etc.) because, from my vantage point, I was unsure how these kinds of videos and different disheartened stories impact child safety, until today. I now realize that these actions, these behaviors, and everything that supports the lack of due process or threatens the safety of any human being is the epitome of CHILD SAFETY.
Children are here to learn from us, to get fed by us, to be groomed by us, and then for them to carry the baton from us and yet we struggle to provide a sense of unity as the human race, to exercise kindness to one another, to show respect for the differences we all have, and we forget they are watching and listening to the hypocritical way we speak. They are showing signs of our times, wearing tire marks from inconsistencies of justice, carrying stress from carrying weight to early, and acting out because the respect of human life has been challenged. Child safety is in jeopardy!!!
We tell our children be kind….
we see a video of citizens killing an unarmed person in the street.
We tell our children the police will listen, just tell….
we see then kill an unarmed man.
We tell our children to believe in due process….
we see people escape justice or due process when the videos don’t lie.
We tell our children we have freedoms….
we see people disrespecting and silencing others because they do not agree
We tell our children to respect the human life…
we have witnessed many people dying unnecessarily. My goals are clear, give a voice to the ones who will carry on when we are no longer and to gather the history from those who have already lived a successful life and can shine light on my future.
If we do not change the narrative, if we do not shift the way we behave and how we engage, what are we expecting them to do with the baton, when it is their turn? Why are we taking away the innocence of a child because we do not want to listen, be respectful, show kindness, or just be human? To be clear, safety for all is important and children are impressionable.
When they ask, was the unarmed man the bad guy?
Will they shoot me?
Who do I turn to if I am in trouble?
Why do we continue to have “the talk”?
Why didn’t they listen? Mommy, I am afraid!Is this the legacy we are proud to pass down to our children or grandchildren? When I started writing this, it was supposed to be a simple social media post and I realized that my heart is broken because I am concerned. I am afraid! I am losing hope! I am human but do not feel like my voice matters as an adult. Just recently a young person said to me they just want to be heard. They just want someone to listen and I realized my fears as an adult are manifesting in children all over the globe and it started with us, the adults. Gandhi said: Be the change you want to see, and I am consistently powering through to do just that
It starts with us and I am waiting for you on the court of change.