
What a powerful position you hold! The one that takes the place of each parent while we are not present. You make decisions for our children while they are safely experiencing the curriculum journey you have prepared and is providing daily. You have equipped your building with the best teaching staff to help you in carrying out your vision and a stellar school year!

Why is this important?

One school had more than 35 children misplaced on the wrong bus because transportation made a change. Sound familiar? Communication will always improve these experiences and with KYKS it makes communicating easier.

  • Students are unaccounted for and need to be found by school staff
  • Upset parents don’t know where their children are and are asking you to find them
  • You have no way to track where each student is on their way home

Running a smooth and safe dismissal process is intentional. You cannot be everywhere at once but you can have a student tracking system that is. Our patent-pending Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) System is a game changer for safety and dismissal efficiency.

Imagine for one moment what it feels like for the other person.

Take a moment in someone’s experience.

Our Promise to YOU!

We promise to not make it about us (the adult) but to make it about them (the child)!

To provide all necessary parties the real-time pertinent information about each students’ journey from home to school and back home to ensure safe travels for each child and their family.

What we do

  • Streamlined Morning Arrivals: Kickstart each school day with an organized, efficient arrival process. KYKS ensures every student is safely accounted for upon entering school premises, setting a positive tone for the day.
  • Efficient and Safe Dismissals: Transform the end-of-day hustle into a smooth, orderly process. With KYKS, dismissals are no longer a high-stress time for staff or students, thanks to real-time tracking and instant alerts.
  • Comprehensive Safety Net: From arrival to dismissal, KYKS provides a safety net that guards against uncertainties, ensuring students are always under the watchful eye of school staff, without compromising their independence or privacy.
  • KYKS carries the safety load for your school when it comes to arrival, dismissal, and communities.

What’s next?

  • Dismissal review We observe your current dismissal procedure to identify how to implement our system in order for all students to arrive home from school safely and smoothly.
  • Customized tracking package We create a comprehensive student tracking package that includes a tracking card for each student and administrator tablets that will have your dismissal running like a well-oiled machine in under 21 days.
  • Less stress and more time Our service takes you from being overwhelmed and struggling because of chaotic and unsafe dismissal procedures to being a cool and calm school leader with exemplary procedures that are efficient and safe for all involved.

School Campus Benefits

  • Help reduce stress within the first week by eliminating the opportunity of a safety mistake during school dismissal and
  • Increase non-intrusive communication immediately with families by providing arrival/dismissal notification to families and
  • Improve the campus logistics on day 1 with an electronic time and date stamp for all who are dismissed.
  • YOU will become the hero in the story.

Let us help YOU with Keeping Your Kids Safe