
Going through a school zone during arrivals and dismissals can be frustrating. Each school has a different way to manage the crowd, the speed limit drops so much that you think you are never going to make it through the area and if you are going through multiple zones, UGH!!!! Get it together! You have a choice as to when you leave! You have a choice of which way to go! Your destination is NOT more important than a child being hit and injured because YOU choose to ignore the speed limit. Police officers can not catch all of the offenders but we have already experienced death and injuries because people are in too big of a rush and ignoring the rules. Every rule we break we are being watched by someone that says, if they can do it and get away with it so can I. Are you willing to have you drivers license revoked? Are you willing to approach a family after causing injury that could have been avoided? Are you saying to yourself, it’ll never happen to me? Wrong, it can happen to anyone and we have a lot of history that tells the story of others that say it will never happen and it did! SLOW DOWN IN THE SCHOOL ZONES because you care about the safety of a child and that child can be yours.


*chart can be found: https://www.safekids.org/sites/default/files/alarming_dangers_in_school_zones.pdf